강좌 Lecture

[포토샵 팁] 라이트룸 누적 데이터 경로

nepo 2022. 9. 7. 19:06

라이트룸 사용하다 보면 보정 데이터가 계속 저정되고 그 용량도 상당해서 쌓이면 부담이 됩니다.이런 데이터를 계속 저장할 필요가 있는 분도 있겠지만 저는 원본 RAW 파일만 있으면 되어서 용량 많아지면 다 삭제합니다.


비디오:로컬 디스크(C)/사용자/82105/AppData/Local/Adobe/Lightroom/Caches/Video/Media Cache Files

포토:로컬 디스크(C)/사용자/82105/AppData/Local/Adobe/CameraRaw/Cache2




Camera Raw and Video Cache

  1. Open Adobe Lightroom Classic CC.
  2. Navigate to the Edit menu on Windows or Lightroom menu on Mac.
  3. Click on Preferences.
  4. Open the Performance tab.
  5. You will see two options here to purge two of your cache folders. The Camera Raw cache and the Videos cache.
  6. Click on Purge Cache to delete the cache. 

Previews and Smart Previews Cache

Deleting the previews and smart previews cache is a different process. Cache for Lightroom’s Previews are stored in a file named [Catalog name] Previews.lrdata, and those for Smart previews are stored in a file named [Catalog name] Smart Previews.lrdata. Lightroom stores both the cache folders besides the catalog folder by default.

  • On Windows, the default location for Previews cache is C:\Users\[user name]\Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog Previews.lrdata
  • On Windows, the default location for Smart Previews cache is C:\Users\[user name]\Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog Smart Previews.lrdata 
  • On Mac the default location for Previews cache is /Users/[username]/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Catalog Previews.lrdata
  • On Mac, the default location for Smart Previews is /Users/[user name]/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Catalog Smart Previews.lrdata

You can delete these caches by deleting these corresponding files in the Finder on Mac or in the Explorer on Windows. However, we recommend quitting Lightroom before you purge these files.